Saturday, June 25, 2011

The final leg

Made it into LA. Here is the Youtube of our bike ride,

The road S of Santa Maria was not too bad a haul. But the hill after Lompoc did get to over 900 feet, a bit higher than the 950' hill after Big Sur State park.  Then nothing but down to the ocean, lots of braking.
Gaviota State Beach

One of the highlights, at least for Juanjuan, was the fish some fisherman gave us, plus our buddies, David and John met us, so we all feasted that night and had a great camp.
5 Mackerels and 2 sardines, best meal of the trip.



前几天结识了几位通行者,不同州的人们,不同职业,不同年龄在同一时间内,做同一样的事,这能说不是-----缘份吗?几天前曾共同分享过自行车宿营地。这几天来一直保持着联系。今晚我们先找到海滨宿营点,马上发信息给他们。随后,我们去栈桥散步,看到不少人在钓鱼,我随便问一位,您的鱼卖么?不卖。下一位同样不卖。不甘心的我,继续向前进,百米长的栈桥,不少人在钓鱼,有意思。如今失业率大大升高,人们却有大把的时间,做什么?靠山吃山,靠海吃海,自食其力。漫步来到栈桥尽头,左右看看,撑死胆大的,饿死胆小的,害羞没用,继续开口问,哟,您今天钓了不少鱼?卖么?回答是同样的--- 不卖。话音未落地,我确被钓鱼者反问到:“你要几条?”我喜出望外的迅速地回答到五人**这位中等身材,三十岁左右的年轻人,面像憨厚可爱,他命令身边两位同伴,找五条大鱼给我们,说时迟那时快.…我们连声道谢,随后就给骑行同伴发短信,有幸与同伴分享着快乐,忙的我不亦乐乎,连洗澡的时间都舍去了,能在这次旅行中,缺盐少油的条件下做一餐,蛮有趣的,phil比我还兴奋。

Final camp, Faris Beach, the N end of Ventura County

Our new buddies, Lacy and Hayley, thanks for the S'mores girls!  

Sunset at Faris Beach, sleeping right by the shore, no highway sounds, just the surf.


Magu Rock, close to LA
Santa Monica Pier, 507 miles, 8 days, made it.


Done, finis, fertig, did it. Now in LA, Phil

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

The Strawberry Fields

我们终于按计划行动了。今天是2011•6•16,下午17点。现在Denver 国际机场等候,三十分钟后将飞往旧金山。预计今晚九点半进驻,明天早饭后去取车。午饭将在中国城,晚上和朋友们共进晚餐,叙旧。
Friday June 17.六月17号 星期五 晴天时儿多云
Saturday 六月18号 星期六

Sunday星期日 六月19号
今天真不错,稍加努力80英里x1•6=km 128公里。明后两天只能宿营,所以今天要好好休息加洗衣,找个旅店落脚。$60多一宿加早餐。明早要早起早动身。也可能是我的牙医太关照我了,总是能小病大修,上路前去看过我的牙医,也可能是许久没用自行车旅行了,太多的事情要考虑去准备,上路后时间体力的安排加上心火,牙痛代之半头痛,需加点儿药和按摩。

Big t most of the day cruising between 250 & 600', you never really get that close to the water. You just look straight down Sur took all day for just around 45 miles because of these hills. You are cruising along and listening to the surf hundreds of feet below. The final insult was a 700' hill and a drop down to the end of the Sur area and into the San Simion, Hearst Castle area. That was the Ragged Point Inn.

六月20 星期一 大雾

今天的感觉不舒服,一大早满街找牙医,因为昨天是父亲节,许多家庭都外出旅行。最终找到一位牙医,简单检查后,说是牙龈炎,开了一份消炎药和去痛药,转骑到街里药店取药,前后浪费了四小时。大上大下五六十英里,沿海的公路就是这样。同时还结识了四批五人,同行者。一起宿营,帮,教他们搞定晚餐。这一带的宿营地都有热水淋浴$ 0 • 25的硬币,还有专对自行车旅行者提供的宿营地。

六月21号 星期二 大雾多云


This evening Santa Maria, famouns for where Michael Jackson's trial was and for bing a 100 mile day for us, of which I will write more later, Phil

六月22 星期三

六月23 星期四

前几天结识了几位通行者,不同州的人们,不同职业,不同年龄在同一时间内,做同一样的事,这能说不是-----缘份吗?几天前曾共同分享过自行车宿营地。这几天来一直保持着联系。今晚我们先找到海滨宿营点,马上发信息给他们。随后,我们去栈桥散步,看到不少人在钓鱼,我随便问一位,您的鱼卖么?回答是:不卖。下一位同样不卖。不甘心的我,继续向前行,百米长的栈桥,不少人在钓鱼,有意思。如今失业率大大升高,人们却有大把的时间,做什么?靠山吃山,靠海吃海,自食其力。漫步来到栈桥尽头,左右看看,撑死胆大的,而死胆小的,害羞没用,继续开口问,哟,您今天钓了不少鱼?卖么?回答是同样的--- 不卖。话音未落地,我确被钓鱼者反问了:你要几条?我喜出望外的迅速地回答到五人**这位中等身材,三十岁左右的年轻人,面像憨厚可爱,他命令身边两位同伴,找五条大鱼给我们,说时迟那时快.…我们连声道谢,随后就给骑行同伴发短信,有幸与同伴分享着快乐,忙的我不亦乐乎,连洗澡的时间都舍去了,能在这次旅行中,缺盐少油的条件下做一餐,蛮有趣的,phil比我还兴奋。



六月25 星期六 晴天


The Strawberry Fields.

From Pescadoro to Marina CA, 75 miles, whew, a record. Sunday night.
No big hills, just lots of coast, like the Pigeon Point Light House.  Next time maybe we can book the hostel there,
Pigeon Point
If you spend time in LA you start to think that California is nothing but trendy Hollywierd types sipping lattes wearing painfully hip tee shirts and rich girls looking for just the right shoes at the Galleria.  I'm here to tell you, the story of Calif. if farming.  The road through the Santa Cruz/ Montery area is full of agriculture, tons of strawberry fields.

 Highway 1 spends much of this stretch as a freeway so we had to take frontage and side roads. There are signs that say bike and Pacific Coast Trail so that helped a lot. At one point we were alone, just biking, no cars, through several farms. It was really wonderful to be biking away from the highway. You remember the book the Onion Fields, about murders in an onion field. So if something happens to us on this trip you can call the story the Strawberry Fields.
I forgot which town this is, but nice pier huh?
 The highway above Santa Cruz hugs the coast, then opens up.
Great beach weather
 The town takes a bit of figuring put especially when you are by the waterfront taking in the beach scene.

After all those fields we made it to Marina, a former Fort Ord army town, now just a rectangle of streets laid out in the middle of the Salinas delta. After the 75 miles Miles we again did lodging, a Ramada. Good thing that we did, guess who needs a root canal?  Monday morning we found a dentist and loaded up on prescription antibiotics and pain killers.
Look who needs a root canal!

What rotten timing during this trip, a dental emergency. Maybe the stress of the ride has brought it on, who knows?

Monday night we are camped at Big Sur State Park.
We skipped the tent to save weight

Even in the fog you get sunburned
Typical day on the road
Somehow the odometer got zeroed so now it says 22. figure Marina to Big Sur on google then add the miles up.
Big Sur area

Even in the fog the incredible scale of Big Sur is there. Normally when you bike you look to your right to look at the ocean.

今天的感觉不舒服,一大早满街找牙医,因为昨天是父亲节,许多家庭都外出旅行。最终找到一位牙医,简单检查后,说是牙龈炎,开了一份消炎药和去痛药,转骑到街里药店取药,前后浪费了四小时。大上大下五六十英里,沿海的公路就是这样。同时还结识了四批五人同行者。Big Sur State Park一起宿营,帮,教他们搞定晚餐。这一带的宿营地都有热水淋浴$ 0 • 25的硬币,还有专对自行车旅行者提供的宿营地。

Tuesday night we made it to The Ragged Point Inn in, obviously, Ragged Point CA. 54 miles or so. Basically the bottom of the Big Sur area. Hearst Castle is a bit down the road, maybe 12-20 miles.
Sea Lions in San Simeon
Below the Big Sur area the terrain softens, not 900' mountains dropping right down but rolling hills then the shore. The first tie I was in this area was Christmas 1974.  Back then there was the road and the shore, no sea lions. now they say the population is 15,000+, you gotta love laws that stop hunting.  In 1990 hunting sea lions was banned and from one island off of Mexico the population has recovered.  Now they have full access to the beach, lounging while us humans get to watch from platforms, wonderful.
The beach above San Simeon, yay Sea Lions  
Last night we hooked up with three young men, David and his cousin John from the Midwest and Michael from Huntington Beach. Their knees are still young so they went on ahead and made San Simion. Juanjuan's cheek is still swollen and we are feeling the road so we got this room. Leaving the Julius Pfeiffer camp to the Big Sur river was the biggest climb of this trip, from around 200 feet or so to 950 at the top. We got above the fog. Did. Talk about the fog? Bone chilling and omnipresent, no escaping this June fog. You sweat like Hell on the way up, in lowest gear and the descent chills you in the fog while it get mist all over your glasses.

Spent most of the day cruising between 250 & 600', you never really get that close to the water. You just look straight down Sur took all day for just around 45 miles because of these hills. You are cruising along and listening to the surf hundreds of feet below. The final insult was a 700' hill and a drop down to the end of the Sur area and into the San Simion, Hearst Castle area. That was the Inn. So though most of Big Sur is a combination of agony and sublime beauty it was worth it, as long as you don't expect to make many miles.

六月21号 星期二 大雾多云


S of  Santa Maria
This evening Santa Maria, famous for where Michael Jackson's trial was and for being a 100 mile day for us. the next day our first flat.

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Left San Francisco

We left The Hotel Mirabelle and went back to the Embarcadero, circling around under the Golden Gate Bridge, then south. That alone was more than five mile, I'm sure.

The beach along San Fran's west side is windblown and chilly, but very beautiful. The Devil's Slide was the first big damn big hill we had to climb.  The Big Sur style of climb, but just outside of San Francisco,
The top of the Devil's Slide Hill, south of San Fran

No super sized surf at Half Moon Bay's Maverick's, but one can only dream. This lone sea lion, or is she a a sea elephant?  Anyway, she is OK, despite those sad eyes.  She is doing a "Catastrophic Moly" which is not as bad as it sounds, so don't worry, just enjoy looking into those deep pensive eyes,
Sea Lion molting at Half Moon Bay

 A steady peddle after that got us to Pescadero and it had us a bit worried. No lodging in the whole town but asking around we found the McCormick House. Built is 1865 it is your usual large California Victorian, very nice with a great wild garden full of flowers.
The McCormick House

 Mauro rented us a room upstairs and we even have wifi so I can post this. Today, a bit over 50 miles. Have to do at least that much each day if we are going to make LA in ten days.

Friday, June 17, 2011

Fun in San Francisco

At the airport, ready to fly to San Francisco. June 16, 2011.

我们终于按计划行动了。今天是2011•6•16,下午17点。现在Denver 国际机场等候,三十分钟后将飞往旧金山。预计今晚九点半进驻,明天早饭后去取车。午饭将在中国城,晚上和朋友们共进晚餐,叙旧。
Now we are a the Hotel Mirabelle. Sure is noisy on Mission St, more like NY than LA, with all the hubbub. $80 per night two nights planned. An old building with all the Victorian kitch. Sunny and Sarah told us to eat at Pakwan Indian restaurant, cheap and good, $22.00 total, cheap, like me. Tomorrow we pick up the bikes at Valencia Cyclery. Phil

Friday June 17.
Friday night, diner with our old buddy Ross, in an "Interesting" area of San Fran, across the street from the Hustler Club.


Thursday, June 16, 2011

Flying out

We are headed to San Francisco tonight.  Will try to post while on the road.  I think that 100 KM, 60 miles per day will give us enough time to get to LA, we'll see.  Phil